Flexible Views
[SOURCE: Doug Engelbart, interviews & OHS Draft document]


When accessing a document, the user may specify the way in which it should be portrayed.

Portrayals: Outline view. XX?

Allow Multiple-Portrayals at once.

User Specified Content Filters. A simple content-analysis language may be used in a "Set Content Pattern" command, which compiles a little content-checking program. One of the view-specification options will cause the system to display only those statements which satisfy both the structure and level conditions imposed by other view specs, and which also pass the content-analysis test applied by this program. Where desired, very sophisticated content-analysis programs may be written, using a full-blown programming language, and placed on call for any user.
           EXAMPLE: Show only paragraphs with the word "America".

View Control Of Objects' Form, Sequence & Content where a structured, mixed-object document may be displayed in a window according to a flexible choice of viewing options - especially by selective level clipping (outline for viewing), but also by filtering on content, by truncation or some algorithmic view that provides a more useful portrayal of structure and/or object content (including new sequences or groupings of objects that actually reside in other documents). Editing on structure or object content directly from such special views will be allowed whenever appropriate.
           EXAMPLE: Jump to paragraph.


View-Specifications: The HyperScope will offer a set of "transcoded viewing options" which a user can selectively employ to examine that file. Simple example: just show me the first line of each paragraph.

It is planned to enable the option of incorporating a "view specification" (viewspec) to a link so that a subsequent user will not only have execution of that link take him to the desired specific file location, but will also show the contents there with the specified view.

Expanded set of HyperScope accessable "Legacy File Types:" In principle, this manner of HyperScope access can be implemented for any standard type of file or data base. The Project will establish the basic implementation conventions, and proceed to develop the translation and special I-File properties appropriate for a selected sequence of file/db types -- planning tentatively for those to be used by:

EVOLUTION: Considerable evolution is expected to take place here. In the "open-source" mode, many groups would be experimenting and tuning, contributing to the evolution.Evolution of the Intermediary File format will be given careful attention since it is destined to become the format for the full Open Hyperdocument System (which will continue its evolution).

Now the VERY important feature of this approach to OHS development comes into play: task by task, or person by person, in almost any order and rate, users can start to keep their files entirely within the OHS environment. All the working material is still interlinkable, whether in OHS or legacy files.