Full Syntax Interaction
[SOURCE: Doug Engelbart, interviews & OHS Draft document]


Today we live in a world of programmers and end users. OHS will change that by giving more flexibility to end users for building their own tools and environments. Instead of the prevailing simplistic icon based interface, which is easy to learn but inherently limited (imagine speaking by clicking on words), OHS builds on a noun and verb language (imagine speaking by typing on a keyboard alphabet. Never mind, you don't need to imagine that...). The system of nouns and verbs (with high definition dynamic linking) can be combined, given simple logic and even timed:

The Nouns (objects) are any computer detectable objects (of any granularity- fine or coarse, as required).
           EXAMPLE Nouns: Text Strings: Visible, invisible, phrase, number. Structure: Statement (node such as paragraph), branch (node and all of its sub nodes), plex (node and siblings) group (consecutive set of branches in a plex, like a sub-plex), and document/file.
The Verbs (actions) are any programmable function the computer can perform on a noun (object).
           EXAMPLE Verbs: Copy, paste, append (take two statements {nouns} and append them together), break (break of the lower part and make new paragraph/statement to make a {higher, lower or equal level} new statement), insert, delete, move, transpose, replace, sort, freeze, force.
Combining The Nouns & Verbs provides a powerful way of exercising command.
           EXAMPLE: Transpose branches which is like taking two chapters and interchanging them, which can be done even if the two parts are not in the same file. Sort: Sort by rule (such as date/time/alphabetical/second word {in regular or reverse order} etc. and if desired have the results automatically copied if criteria are met.
The Logic is simply the ability to add decision making abilities to commands, based on the If/Then structure.
           EXAMPLE: Example Operators: Loops, conditionals (if/then). Example Use: If blind space is found in front or behind paragraph- delete the space. Alternative Example Use: Copy everyones name and number from specified are code only.
Timed Events. Commands can be scheduled to run at certain intervals.
           EXAMPLE: Run command every morning at 10am.
Commands Can Be Combined To Create Agents. A series of commands can be compiled into an Agent which can even call upon other agents.
           EXAMPLE: Check mail from 'so and so if so' has arrived with 'such and such' content and if it has, add content to 'such and such' a database and launch 'such and such' Agent with the senders email address copied to the Agent.
Commands Can Be Given/Entered Through URLs with attached commands, command line interpreter (as used in UNIX and DOS systems among others), pop-up Web page interfaces and point and click icons.
           EXAMPLE: Through OHS aware browser: http://www.bootstrap.org/:o will show an outline view of the main Bootstrap page.